navagraha mantras and sadhana

Surya : Om hram hreem hroum sah suryaya namah
Chandra : Om shram sreem shraum sah chandraya namah
Mangala : Om kram kreem kroum sah bhaumaya namah
Budha : Om bram breem broum sah budhaya namah
Guru : Om jhram jhreem jroum sah gurave namah
Shukra : Om dram dreem droum sah shukraya namah
Shani : Om pram preem proum sah shanaischaraya namah
Rahu : Om bhram bhreem bhroum sah rahave namah
Ketu : Om shram shreem shroum sah ketave namah

In Hindu religion and mythology, the nine planets occupy an important role. The planet deities are referred to as the NAVAGRAHA and are suppose to have a significant impact on the lives of individual and therefore a Hindu adorns these planets as deities, so that they may bring peace and harmony in their life and to avert any mishap. NAVA means nine. GRAHA means planet. Graha literally means to grab. They are probably called so because they cause eclipses by grabbing the Sun and other stars.





Surya – The Sun

AGNI, God of Fire


Red Ruby

Soma – The Moon

APAS, Water Goddess


Moonstone and Natural Pearls

Mangal – The Mars

BHUMI, Earth Goddess


Red Coral

Budha – The Mercury

VISHNU, The Preserver



Brihaspati – The Jupiter

INDRA, King of Gods


Yellow Sapphire and Yellow Topaz

Sukra – The Venus

INDRANI, Queen of Gods



Shani – The Saturn

YAMA, God of Death


Blue Sapphire and Black Stones

Rahu – The Dragon’s Head

DURGA, Goddess of Power


Honey Colored Hessonite

Ketu – The Dragon’s Tail



Cat’s Eye

Each of the planets is supposed to bestow a particular boon to humans. The Hindu science of study of these planets is called the Vedic Astrology. Classical Vedic astrology uses the seven visible planets Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, along with the two lunar nodes, the north and south nodes, Rahu and Ketu. The Hindu astrology is based on an elaborate calculation of the positions of these planets at the time of one’s birth. For example, the zodiac is divided in to twelve zones (‘houses’ of 30 degrees each). The planet Sun travels in to one of these houses each month. Similarly, the other planets have their times of travel through the zodiac assigned to them. As the planets travel through these zodiac signs, their relative positions with respect to each other changes and is supposed to determine the fate of the human affairs. An astrologer can draw up a horoscope of a person based on his time of birth and calculate the relative positions of the planets relative to this horoscope. The planets are also believed to influence the outcomes of historical events of entire nations and the Earth. Each planet has its own mode of circumambulation – clockwise or anti-clockwise. Each planet faces a different direction. In religious rites, beetle nuts represent the planets and the priest invites each planet to be present there and witness and bless the puja.

Navagrahas the planet deities of which the first seven are Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn give names to the days of the week: Sunday to Saturday respectively. The other two Rahu (Ascending node) and Ketu (Descending node) are also fabled as planets, the former as a planet with a head and no body and the latter as a planet with a body and no head. In the Puranas, they are all represented as deities borne in cars. They are propitiated because of their sinister effects (Saturn, Rahu and Ketu) and for their favorable influences (Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Mars, the sun and the moon). The favor of all must be conciliated before marriages and other auspicious events can be successfully accomplished.


The Sun in Vedic astrology is called RAVI, or SURYA. He is considered to be mild malefic, in consideration of the hot, dry in nature. As in western tropical astrology, the Sun rules the Sign of Leo. He is exalted in the sign of Aries, and he is in his fall in the sign of Libra. The Sun is known as the ATMAKARAKA. This comes from the Sanskrit ATMA meaning soul, and KARAKA meaning indicator. As “indicator of the soul” the Sun is the giver of life. The Sun is the indicator of the father, our ego, honors, status, fame, the heart, the eyes, general vitality, respect and power. The Sun is in his strongest placement directly overhead in the 10th House. He is also strong in the other Kendra’s, or Angles. These are the Houses 1, 4, and 7. The Sun also does well in what are called the upachaya, or growing Houses. These are the Houses 3, 6, and 11. He is particularly beneficial for the fire sign Ascendants of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. His nature, or temperament is PITTA, or fiery, and the gemstone associated with the Sun is the red ruby. The Sun’s metal is Gold and his direction is east. His day is Sunday, and he comes into full maturity and brilliance at age 22.

He is the God – a living God – whom everyone can see, perceive and pray. Though he is visible, he also has been presented in a variety of forms. He is the life-giver and time-giver. The Vedas adore him as a witness (Sakshi) of all actions. He is the lord of Leo in the Zodiac. He stays one month in each Rasi and takes 365 days or 12 months to complete a round of 12 Rasis. Worship of this Devata (GOD) on Sunday is supposed to bring in manifold benefits to the worshippers.

In the six sects established by Adi Sankara, Souram is one devoted to Sun God. Even in other religions, Sun worship has place. In the Zodiac, Sun occupies a prominent place – the Center. This graha is the source of life and he is therefore described as the life-giver – PRANADHATA. He helps one gain his eyesight and SURYANAMASKAR (worship by prostration) will strengthen one’s bones, cure illness, however severe it may be, cleanses the devotee from his sins and bestows on him progeny, wealth, good-health and long life. He is the cause for rainfall benefiting the world.


The Moon in Vedic astrology is called CHANDRA. In Sanskrit CHANDRA means “bright and shining”. The Moon is also called SOMA, named after the intoxicating sacred drink used in Vedic sacrifice. Where all westerners know their Sun-sign, you will find all Hindus know their Moon sign, for the Moon, and its birth sign are important in Hindu culture and astrology.

In fact, Hindus do not celebrate their birthday on the calendar day on which they were born. Instead, they celebrate their birthday in the month they were born when the Moon enters the part of the sign it was in at birth. Such is the importance of the Moon in Vedic culture.

The bright Moon is considered a benefic of the highest order, and the dark Moon is considered a malefic. The Moon is known as a hare, or rabbit in Vedic lore, as he jumps faster than any of the other grahas. The Moon rules over the sidereal sign of Cancer. He is exalted in Taurus, and fallen in the opposite sign of Scorpio.

The Moon is a karaka of many things. He is an indicator of the mother, and females in general, the public, general well-being and happiness, femininity and beauty, the eyesight, memory and the mind.

Many western students of astrology are shocked to discover that the Moon is indicative of the mind, and not Mercury. The Sun is the indicator of the soul, and the Moon is the vehicle of the mind that receives the light of the soul. Mercury is the further process that is called the intellect, which places a value on what the mind has received. The Moon as the mind is indicative of all the senses and their ability to perceive life in its entire splendor. Mercury represents a further distillation and conceptualization of that process and its ultimate intellectualization in forming judgment. The Moon is most comfortable and powerful in the 4th House; she also likes the angles. The Moon is particularly beneficial for the water sign ascendants of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Her nature is KAPHA, or watery. Her gem is the Moonstone and Natural Pearls. Her metal is silver and her direction is Northwest.


In Vedic astrology Mars is know as MANGAL, ANGARAKA and KUJA. These names in Sanskrit mean, “auspicious, burning coal, and the fair one”. Mars is a malefic. He rules over the two sidereal signs of Aries and Scorpio. He is exalted in Capricorn and fallen in the opposite sign of Cancer. Mars is often depicted as a god with a red body exemplifying the natural color of the astronomical body in the sky.

Kuja is a karaka, or indicator, of brother and siblings, assertion, aggressiveness, soldiers and military endeavors, mechanical ability, engineers and surgeons, commanders and rulers, accidents, violence and war, ambition, strength, arguments and conflict, passion and desire.

Like Surya, the Sun, Mars most powerful position is in the 10th House. He is a particularly beneficial planet for Cancer or Leo Ascendants. His nature is PITTA, or fiery. His gem is red coral and his direction is south. Mars’ day is Tuesday and he reaches full maturity at age 28.

In Vedic mythology Mars appears to have been born of the Earth. SARVA, the archer, represents the element of Earth as the supporter of life. Sarva’s wife VIKESI, the disheveled, is the Earth goddess. The Puranic literature of ancient India declares that Angaraka, Mars is their son born of the Earth. Mars is further identified with the Kartikeya, the god of war. He is the son of the god Shiva, who was born without Shiva’s union with a woman. Kartikeya was born with six heads as the six goddesses of the lunar constellation, Kritika, or the Pleiades nurtured him. Kartikeya kills the seemingly invincible demon Taraka, and releases the Devas from Taraka’s oppression. These myths depict valor, strength and courage, and most fittingly, the protective quality of Mars. Thus, Mars is known as the protector of dharma, the sacred path and purpose in life that each of us follows.

In the Zodiac, ANGARAKA or MARS is regarded as a God of martial character, red in every aspect. Even the Romans held him as their Guru. In the Zodiac, He is the Lord of “Mesha” and “Vrischika”. He stays 1 1/2 months in each Rasi taking 18 months to complete the cycle.

A prayer to this planet frees one from debts, poverty and illness afflicting the skin. This graha bestows property and conveyance (Locomotion). A prayer to Angaraka can restore loss of eyesight. Tuesdays are intended for the worship of Angaraka who loves the chanting of Sama Veda. If one observes the fast on Tuesday for 21 times, the unlucky influence of Tuesday (Mangal) can be got rid off. The legend that depict the influence of the worship of MANGAL goes as follows, and is narrated whenever a worship or offering is made to the deity.

An old woman used to observe fast on every Tuesday. Her son was named Mangaliya. Mangal deity in disguise of a Brahmin came and asked her “I am hungry. I shall prepare my own food but you plaster the ground with cow-dung.” The woman said, “Today is a Tuesday; I do not plaster cow-dung on this day. I shall sprinkle water and you can prepare food.” The Brahmin said, “I shall only cook on a cow-dung plastered surface.” The woman refused and said that she could do anything else except cow-dung plaster.” The Brahmin said, “Let your son lie upside down, I shall cook on his back.” After some thought, the woman agreed to this and called her son. The disguised Brahmin lit the furnace on his back and cooked food. After cooking, the Brahmin asked the woman to call her son so that he could take the auspicious food. The woman, in grief, said why he cut jokes and that after your cooking on his back, he would have died. The Brahmin explained and insisted her to call the son. When insisted the woman called, and the son came running. The Brahmin said, “Old woman, your fast is successful. With kindness, your mind is also full of devotion and faith. May you be ever happy.” The deity (Mangal) in disguise disappeared.


Mercury in Vedic astrology is known as BUDHA, the awakened discriminating intellect and the part of us that knows. Mercury is benefice if associated with benefice grahas, and malefic is associated with malefic grahas. He is known as grahapati, or lord of the planets.

Mercury rules over two signs of the sidereal zodiac, Gemini and Virgo. He is exalted in Virgo at 15 degrees, and in his fall in the opposite sign of Pisces. Where the Moon is the innocent mind, Mercury is the intellect that discriminates between benefic and malefic ideas, or good and evil.

The intellect is neutral and becomes whatever it is associated with. Mercury is learned in behavior. Mercury is a karaka or indicator of intelligence, commerce, education, communication writing, books, humor, scholars, thieves and astrologers.Vedic sage Parasara describes him; “Mercury is endowed with an attractive physique and the capacity to use words with many meanings. He is fond of jokes…”

Mercury reaches full maturity at age 32. In Vedic myth Mercury is born of the Moon. One myth recounts how the Moon, overcome with lust, abducts Tara, the wife of Brihaspati, or Jupiter. Out of their union Budha, or Mercury is born. Thus the intellect is born of the mind.

There is a relationship of enmity between the Moon and Mercury that belies a deep truth. The Moon is innocent in its observation, while Mercury is evaluative and discriminating in its observation.

BUDHA or MERCURY is considered as the greatest among the wise. This Devata bestows wisdom and wealth etc. on his devotees. He removes evil thoughts from their minds. He is the chief among GNANIS (realized souls). He is considered Vishnu Rupi, because of his beauty and resemblance. A prayer to Him, especially on Wednesdays brings in manifold benefits like removal of all obstacles, helps one to get a progeny, possession of fertile lands etc.

In the Zodiac this Devata is the Lord of Mithuna and Kanya. He stays like the Sun, one month in each Rasi completes the cycle in 12 months, more or less closely in the footsteps of the Sun. Mercury’s favorite placement is rising in the 1st House. His nature is VATA, or Airy. His gem is Emerald and his metal is all form of alloys. His direction is north and his ruling day is Wednesday.


The planet Jupiter in Vedic astrology is known as GURU, BRIHASPATI, and DEVAGURA. In Sanskrit these names mean, “teacher, lord of light, and teacher to the gods.”

Jupiter is a 1st rate benefice planet, generally considered to be the most auspicious of the planets. He rules over the two sidereal signs of Sagittarius and Pisces. He is exalted in the sign of Cancer and fallen in the opposite sign of Capricorn. Where the Sun is known as Atman, or the soul, Jupiter is known as JIVA, the consciousness of the soul representing the individuality of self.

Where Venus is a Brahmin and follows the Brigu lineage of Brahmin sages, Jupiter is also a Brahmin and follows the Angiras lineage of Brahmin sages. Jupiter’s epithets are sacred and many: “Lord of sacred speech”, “Lord of power”, “Guru of the Gods”, “reader of minds” and “beloved by the Gods”.

Jupiter is a karaka or indicator of fortune, wealth, fame, luck, devotion and faith, spirituality, charity, morality, meditation, mantra, children, magistrates, ministers, lawyers and leaders in government and religion. Jupiter represents sacred scripture, wisdom, benevolence and philosophy. Jupiter’s most favored position is in the first. He does well both in the Kendra’s and Angles, and the auspicious Trikonal Houses. His nature is KAPHA, or watery. His gemstone is Yellow Sapphire or Yellow Topaz and his metal is Gold. Jupiter’s direction is Northeast and his day is Thursday. As a benefice planet he reaches full maturity the earliest of the 9 grahas at age 16.

Worship of BRIHASPATI or GURU (JUPITER) Devata results in a cure from ailments affecting the stomach and helps one to ward off his/her sins, helps him/her in gaining strength, valor, longevity etc. He grants the boon of father-hood to the childless, good education (Vidya). He is revered as the Guru of Devas, protector of the world and is considered SRESHTA (matchless) among the wise. Kind-hearted he is considered the Loka Guru and dispenser of justice and can be known only by a proper study of the Vedas. Thursdays are considered to be the best day for the worship of Jupiter. The legend that depict the influence of the worship of BRIHASPATI goes as follows, and is narrated whenever a worship or offering is made to the deity.


The planet Venus is known as SUKRA in Vedic astrology. Sukra means “white”, or “bright” in Sanskrit. Venus is a first rate benefic in Jyotish (predictions). Venus rules over the two sidereal signs of Taurus and Libra.

Venus is exalted in Pisces and in his fall in the opposite sign of Virgo. Venus is a karaka, or indicator of spouse, love, marriage, comfort, luxury, beauty, prosperity, happiness, all conveyances, art, dance music, acting, passion and sex, healing and the saying of mantras.

Sage Parasara says of Venus; “Venus is charming, has a splendors physique, is excellent or great in disposition, has charming eyes, is a poet, is phlegmatic and windy and has curly hair.” Venus most powerful position is in the 4th House and enjoys the TRIKONAL Houses, 1, 5, and 9. Venus is a particularly beneficial planet for Capricorn and Aquarius Ascendants. Her nature is KAPHA, or watery in disposition.

Her gem is diamond and her metal is copper and silver. Venus’ direction is Southeast and her day is Friday. She reaches full maturity at age 25. In Vedic myth Venus, or Sukra, is known as the Guru, or teacher of the ASURAS, or one of the two camps of the Vedic deities. Sukra therefore is a Brahmin, or the highest priestly order, and is considered the forefather of the Brig lineage of sages from ancient India.

In Vedic myth the Asuras are the demonic aspect of the divine and, like many of the ancient creation myths, are locked in eternal battle with the Devas, the auspicious aspect of the Divine. In one episodic myth the Devas are particularly concerned in their battle with Asuras because Venus knows the mantra of immortality to raise the dead. This of course gave the Asuras an unfair advantage in their battle with the Devas. So Jupiter, or Brihaspati, the guru to the Devas, sends his son Kaca (brightness) to study under Sukra.

Sukra has a beautiful daughter Devayani (way to the gods), and she is quite taken with Kaca. Now, the Asuras know what Kaca is up to, so like all good demons they kill him. Devayani, of course, grieves for him and tells father, so Sukra repeats the mantra and Kaca comes back to life. Then the demons kill Kaca again. Once again Devayani complains, and once again Sukra repeats the mantra and Kaca come back to life. Undeterred, the demons go about killing Kaca and Sukra keeps resurrecting him. So the demons get a particularly demonic idea and this time they kill Kaca and grind him up into a fine powder and put him in Sukra’s wine. Sukra drinks the wine, Devayani begins her grieving, and in response Sukra repeats the mantra, but this time he has a stomachache as Kaca speaks from inside him. At last the demons appear to be happy.

But, they ironically bring about the very thing they were trying to prevent, for Sukra reveals the mantra of immortality to Kaca, so when Kaca tears himself out of Sukra’s body he will repeat the mantra and raise Sukra from the dead. This myth explains why all Brahmins committed to spiritual life are not allowed to drink wine, and one of the epithets of Venus is: the one who “produces stomach problems”.

Sukra bestows long life, wealth, happiness, children, and property and good education. He is the Guru for Asuras. Well learned in Neeti Sastras follower of such sastras and one who dispenses justice, Sukra is considered a beneficial Devata. He blesses the devotees with power to control one’s Indriyas (Sense organs) and enables the devotee to obtain fame and name.
In the Zodiac, he is the Lord of Tula. Sukra takes one year to complete the Zodiac cycle living one month in each Rasi. Fridays are considered to be effective for the worship of Sukra.


In Vedic astrology the planet Saturn is called SHANI. In Sanskrit Shani comes from SANISCHARA, which means, “slow mover”. From Shani we get the word “shun”, which means to ignore, or lose awareness of something. Thus, Saturn represents a loss of awareness, or ignorance. This loss of awareness can also mean the diminishing awareness of the material world of manifestation.

Here Saturn indicates the ascetic, rich with inner spirituality, and lost to this material plane of existence. Saturn is a malefic graha. He rules over the two sidereal signs of Capricorn and Aquarius. He is exalted in Libra, and fallen in the opposite sign of Aries.

Saturn is a karaka, or indicator, of longevity, misery, sorrow, old age and death, discipline, restriction, responsibility, delays, ambition, leadership and authority, humility, integrity, wisdom born of experience. Saturn also indicates asceticism, denial, non-attachment, spirituality, hard work, organization, reality and time itself.

Saturn’s most powerful place in the chart is in the 7th House and the Kendra’s, or Angles. He is a particularly beneficial planet for Taurus and Libra Ascendants. Saturn’s nature is Vata, or Airy. His gem is Blue Sapphire and all black stones and his metal is Lead. Saturn’s direction is west and his day is Saturday. He reaches full maturity at age 36. In Vedic myth Saturn is the son of the Sun, born to his shadow wife, Chaya. Saturn is lame because one of the Sun’s first wife Sanjana’s children became angered with him and struck him in the foot. Thus Saturn walks with a limp, which accounts why he is the slowest of the Grahas.

The graha SANISCHARA (Saturn), also known as Manda, is generally known to affect one adversely on occasions when he occupies certain positions in one’s horoscope like Saade Sati (7 1/2 years) Ashtama Shani (Saturn in 8th house – 2 1/2 years) etc. He is the Lord of Makaram and Kumbam. He is the slowest moving planet taking 2 1/2 years in each Rasi, completing one cycle every 30 years. A prayer to this Devata, especially on Saturdays, is said to mitigate the hardships one will have to face during these periods. Sanischara bestows all benefits to the devotees who pray sincerely to him. The legend that depict the influence of the worship of SHANI goes as follows, and is narrated whenever a worship or offering is made to the deity.


The North Node of the Moon is called RAHU in Vedic astrology and the South Node is called KETU. They are called dark or shadow planets, because of the Nodes’ association with the phenomena of eclipses.

They have no sign ruler ships, although they are said to favor Mercury and Jupiter’s signs according to some authorities, while others claim that Rahu favors the sign of Aquarius and Ketu the sign of Scorpio. Rahu, the North Node of the Moon means to conceal, engulf or hide in Sanskrit.

This Graha is associated with the world of material manifestation and worldly desire. Rahu is associated with the spiritual process of involution, or the engrossing of spirit in materialization. Rahu is a karaka, or indicator, of worldly desire, fame, greed, high intelligence, manipulation, obsessive behavior, foreigners, mass disease, dementia and inertia. The nature of this Graha is Vata, or Airy.

The gemstone associated with Rahu is a honey colored hessonite. Rahu reaches full maturity at age 42. The Puranas describe Rahu as half-bodied, born of a lioness, snakelike, having a huge body and being extraordinarily powerful.

The Skanda Purana says that Rahu is instrumental in strengthening ones power and converting even an enemy into a friend. The effect of snakebite is removed by his grace. The lunar and solar eclipses are attributed to Rahu and Ketu. Rahu and Ketu stay 1 1/2 years in each Graha.


Ketu, the South Node of the Moon means a “sign”, or a “banner” in Sanskrit. If Rahu is the planet of worldly desire, then Ketu is the planet of otherworldly desire, or spirituality. Ketu represents the spiritual process of evolution, or the refinement of materialization to spirit. Ketu is considered a worldly malefic and spiritual benefice, as it causes sorrow and loss, which ultimately turns the individual to god.

The karakas, or indicators of Ketu are focused intelligence, indicator of liberation, indicator of wisdom, non-attachment, other worldly interests, fantasy, penetrating insight, derangement, carrier of arms and weapons, invisibility and physic abilities.

Ketu’s gem is the cat’s eye. This Graha is of a Pitta, or fiery temperament.Ketu has the last maturity of all the planets at age 48, when the soul turns to the pursuit of MOKSHA the pursuit of liberation from this world.

Ketu is often depicted with a gem, or a star on his head, which emits a mystery light. Ketu is said to be a member of the Jaimini lineage of sages, who founded one of the several systems of philosophy of ancient India. There are wonderful myths associated with Rahu and Ketu.

The Nagas of Vedic lore is serpent like, semi-divine beings, which offer knowledge, protection, as well as wrath and retribution to those they encounter. The forked tongue of the serpent’s bite represents intoxication, the first being poison, resulting in dementia, the second being amrita, or spiritual nectar, resulting in ecstasy and divine consciousness.

There is a myth in the Puranas that tells of the God Vishnu dispensing AMRITA, the nectar of immortality to the Devas. While Vishnu was dispensing this amrita, a demon, Rahu mingled with the Devas and was receiving the amrita when the Sun and the Moon discovered him.

With the luminaries calling alarm, Vishnu threw his discus at Rahu and cut off his head. But, Rahu had already drunk the Amrita and now remained an immortal head, disassociated from an immortal body.

There is much lore and mystery surround the Moon’s Nodes in Vedic myth, and they are considered of paramount importance in chart interpretation. In fact, in assessing planetary power, the only Graha that is more powerful than the Sun is Rahu, the North Node of the Moon, because of his ability to swallow the Sun during a total solar eclipse.

Ketu brings prosperity to the devotee’s family, removes the effect of snakebite and illness arising out of poisonous matter entering one’s body He grants good health, wealth, cattle and all around prosperity.

II Shree Navagraha Chalisa II


Shri Ganapati Gurupada kamala, Prema sahita shiranaya I
Navagraha chalIsa kahata,Sharada hohu sahaya II
Jaya jaya Ravi Shashi Soma Budha,jaya guru bhragu shani raja I
Jayati rahu aru ketu graha, karahu anugraha aaja II

Shree Surya (Sun) Stuti

Prathamahi ravi kaha.N navau matha, karahu kRipA jana jaani anatha I
Hey Aditya divakara bhanU, mai matimanda maha agyanU I
Aba nija jana kahan harahu kalesha,Dinkara dvadasha rupa dinesha I
Namami bhaskara surya prabhakara,arka mitra agha mogha shmakara I

Shree Chandra (Moon) Stuti
shashi mayaNka rajanipati swami, Chandra kalanidhi namo namami I
Rakapati Himanshu Rakesha, pranavata jana tana harahu kalesha I
Soma Indu vidhu shanti sudhakara,shita rashmi aushadhi nishakara I
Tumahi shobhita wsundar bhala mahesha,sharana sharana jana harahu kalesha I

Shree Mangala (Mars) Stuti
Jaya jaya Mangala sukha daata,lauhita bhaumadika vikhyata I
Angaraka kuja ruja Rinahari, daya karahu yahi vinaya hamarI I
Hey mahisuta Chitisuta sukharasi,lohitanga jaya jana aghanasii I
Agama amangala aba hara lIjai,sakala manoratha poorana kije I

Shree Budha (Mercury) Stuti
Jaya shashi nandana budha maharaja,karahu sakala jana kahaN shubha kaja I
Dijai buddhi sumati sujana, kathina kasta hari hari kalyana I
Hey tarasuta rohiNI naMdana, chandra suvana duhkha dwand nikandana I
Pujahu asa dass kaha swami,pranata pala prabhu namo namami I

Shree Brashpati (Jupiter) Stuti
Jayati jayati jaya shri guru deva,karahu sada tumhari prabhu seva I
Devacharya deva guru gyani,Indra purohita vidya dani I
Vachaspati bagisa udara,jeeva brashaspati naama tumhara I
VidyA sindhu angia naama,karahu sakala vidhi puran kama I

Shree Shukra (Venus) Stuti
Shukradeva tava pada tala jala jatta,dassa nirantara dhyana lagata I
Hey ushena bhargava bhRagunandana, daitya purohita dushTa nikandana I
BhRagukul bhUsana dusana haari,harahu nesta graha karahu sukharIi I
Tuhi dwijvar joshi sirtaja, nar shareer ke tumhi raja I

Shree Shani (Saturn) Stuti
Jaya shree Shani deva ravinandana,jaya kriShno sauri jagavandana I
Pingala manda raudra yama nama,vaphra adi konastha lalama I
Vakra dristi pipala tana saja, shana maha karata ranka shana raja I
Lalta svarna pada karata nihala,karahu vijaya Chaya ke lala I

Shree Rahu Stuti
Jaya jaya rahu gagana pravisaiya, tumahi chandra aditya grasaiya I
Ravi shashi ari svarbhanu dhara,shikhi adi bahu naama tumhara I
Saihinkeya nishachara raja,ardhakaya jag rakhahu laja I
Yadi graha samaya paya kahin avahu,sada shanti rahi sukha upajavahu I

Shree Ketu Stuti
Jaya jaya ketu kathina dukhahari,karahu srijana hetu mangalakari I
Dhvajayuta ruNda rupa vikarala, ghora raudratana adhamana kala I
Shikhi tarika graha balavana, mahapratapa na teja thikana I
Vahana mina maha shubhakari,deejai shanti daya ura dhari I

Navagraha Shanti Phal
Teerathraj prayag supasa, bassai Rama ke sundar dassa I
Kakra gramhin puray-tiwari, duvashram jana kashta utarana setu I
nava-graha shanti likhyo sukha hetu, jana tana kashTa utarana setu I
Jo nita paTha karai chita lavai, saba sukha bhogi parama padapavai I

Dhanya navagraha deva prabhu, mahima agama apara I
Chita nava mangala moda graha, jagata janana sukha dvara I
Yeh Chalisa navograha vicharit sndardasa I
Padat premayut badat sukha, sarvanda hulasa II

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